Kratom is a tropical tree in the coffee family, native to Southeast Asia.
Ancient Eastern Medicine has used this versatile plant for centuries for various reasons.
Kratom leaves were traditionally chewed on for energy - similar to the way coca is used in the Andes.
The plant was particularly beloved by landowners. They would hand out Kratom to their workers to boost their motivation - workers would chew the leaves and be invigorated with all-day-long energy and no crash. Chewing Kratom leaves also helped erase physical soreness and tiredness, allowing them to work longer hours with no burn out.
In Southeast Asia, villagers still enjoy Kratom tea to restore a strong sense of calm, optimism, and vitality. In America we do coffee, energy drinks, and sugar - in these areas, they use Kratom. In our biased opinion, this is a perfect example of why American’s are generally unhealthy - feel free to Google the dangers of energy drinks and excess artificial sugar if you so desire.
The popularity of Kratom has been growing in the West for decades. Many “kratom bars” exist all over the USA, particularly in Florida. The leaf has grown a cult-following of professionals who enjoy its stimulating effects to naturally enhance their work and social life.
While many people try raw kratom leaf powder for their first time - either mixed in water or drinks or swallowed and the “chased down” with water - in our opinion, this is a horrible first-time experience for Kratom use. Many people get sick this way, not only from the disgusting and gag-inducing taste of muddy kratom leaf water, but ingesting raw leaf powder alone is not easy on the stomach.
This is why we sell Kratom Extract softgels. All of the “good stuff” from high-quality Kratom Leaf with none of the gross, muddy extra sh*t.
Simply swallow a softgel with water or another beverage and start feeling the pleasant effects of Kratus Focus in 30 minutes or less.