What is Kratus Focus?
Experience the power of Kratom, a 1000-year-old herb related to the coffee plant:
- Potent softgels with Mitragyna for a quick cognitive boost, enhanced motivation, and improved mood.
- Traditionally used by Indonesian laborers for all-day energy without burnout.
- Exported from Southeast Asia and rigorously lab-tested in the USA for exceptional quality and purity.
Lock into your flow state in minutes, where time flies and work becomes effortless:
- Flow: Enter your flow state in minutes, making work effortless and time fly.
- Focus: Naturally enhance your focus for 2-4+ hours of high-quality work.
- Creativity: Unlock your full creative potential for better, faster, and more prolific ideas.
- Mood: Boost your mood and vitality immediately, without any comedown.

High Quality for High Performers

Mental Clarity
Mitragyna activates receptors in our brain that may enhance mental clarity. Take a single serving of Kratus Focus™ for 2-4+ hours of sustained focus for working, reading, learning, conversating, and more.

Productivity Driver
Dopamine is the reason you feel motivated to accomplish crucial tasks. Mitragyna has been shown to increase dopamine production and release - this leads to better productivity and drive long-term.

Fight Fatigue
Mitragyna has been shown to “activate” the body out of a sleep state. Kratus Focus™ is an ideal morning boost, afternoon pick-me-up, pre-workout, coffee replacement, or coffee enhancer.

Reduce Stress
Kratom is known to promote relaxation by balancing cortisol levels. This can help calm your mind for elite focus and works to fight stress, procrastination, and feelings of overwhelm.